Help EANGUS National Office prepare Congressional Testimony: Take the Reserve Component Access and Quality of Healthcare Survey

by | Nov 19, 2015 | Uncategorized

On Thursday, December 3, 2015, EANGUS will testify before the House Armed Services Committee’s Military Personnel Subcommittee during the “Stakeholder Perspectives on Military Healthcare” hearing. A link for EANGUS members to follow the hearing online will be provided when available. EANGUS continues to be well positioned to provide the Enlisted Guard’s voice on the most important decisions affecting the Guard that are considered on Capitol Hill. This hearing is one of the first in a series of Healthcare specific discussions organized by the Armed Services Committees leading into 2016, when Congress is set to tackle military Healthcare reform.

To assist with testimony preparation, please complete our Healthcare survey. EANGUS, in conjunction with the Reserve Officers Association and NGAUS, crafted a survey to ensure the voices of the Reserve Component are heard.

Click here for Survey

The EANGUS National Office thanks you for your participation.